Policies, Ethics and Compliance.

We operate following our model of social and ethical responsibility. 

Ethics and compliance

The Integrity Hotline allows employees and third parties to report, by website or by phone, possible breaches of the Code of Conduct, Policies and Procedures, laws or external regulations or any other irregular activity that may be inconsistent with the principles of highest transparency and ethics, which the Company is driven by. 
Any individual who raises an issue in good faith regarding a possible violation of the Code will be treated with fairness and respect and all information provided will be treated confidentially. 
The system is hosted by an independent provider and available 24/7 in all local languages in order to facilitate communication. 
Anyone reporting through the Marelli Integrity Hotline can also choose to raise the concern to an authority or institution, national or supranational, competent to receive reports on possible violations of local or international laws or Marelli Code of Conduct. 
Some examples purely illustrative and not exhaustive: 

  • judicial authority 
  • authorities, institutions, and administrative bodies
  • only for EU Countries, bodies or agencies competent for violations falling within the scope of application of EU Directive 2019/1937 (whistleblowing). 

Other policies and documents 

Code of conduct

The Marelli Code of Conduct is an essential part of our commitment to operating as an ethical and responsible global citizen and forms a major part of how we work and our global corporate culture. It applies to all our stakeholders and offers a clear framework around how we interact with customers, suppliers, communities, governments and employees. 
The Code of Conduct aims to ensure that all members of Marelli Group’s workforce act with the highest level of integrity, comply with applicable laws and build a better future for our Company and the communities where we run our business. 

Slavery and human trafficking statement

As a socially responsible corporate citizen, at Marelli we are committed to conduct ourselves in a way that considers and promotes our social and ethical responsibilities. In line with this approach, we oppose modern slavery in all of its forms, including human trafficking, forced or compulsory labour, bonded labour, servitude and child labour. We unequivocally support the human rights of our workforce and also the workforce of our global suppliers, and believe that everyone deserves a life free from slavery. We recognize the role that businesses can play in combatting these exploitative crimes and we will continuously seek to implement and improve our policies and procedures to ensure that all forms of slavery are not present within our operations or supply chain.
The following Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Section 54 of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015.
As required by the Act for certain companies operating in the United Kingdom, this statement sets out the steps that have been taken to address the risks of slavery and human trafficking being present within its operations and supply chain, and has been adopted as their respective slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2023. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, this statement will be reviewed, updated and published annually.

Human rights policy

Our commitment in respecting human rights is the guiding principle that drives all of our activities.

Basic policy against anti-social forces

Marelli Holdings, Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Marelli”) have established the following basic policy regarding anti-social forces. Through the observance of this policy by all executives and employees, Marelli will strive to ensure the appropriateness and safety of its business operations.

Environment, Health and Safety

Marelli considers protecting the health and safety of people and the environment to be a core value throughout all its operations, products and services.
Marelli aims to lead a culture of prevention, pursuing strategies of sustainable development through by continually improving its environmental, health and safety performance.
It must be understood throughout the organization that the obligation of protecting the environment, health and safety is the responsibility of each of its members, in accordance with their position and duties.
Please rely on the following links for our Environment, Health & Safety Policies.

Purchase agreement

Unless otherwise stated in a written agreement signed by Marelli, the Marelli Purchase Agreement shall apply to all Global Purchase Orders for products issued by Marelli, including the electronic ones.

General terms and conditions

The General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) are applicable exclusively to Purchase Orders issued by Marelli entity in a relevant specific country. Therefore, please download the specific GTC version of the country in which the Purchase Orders has been issued by a Marelli entity. For the countries not present herein, the relevant Purchase Orders are/will be regulated by separate agreements between the Parties.

Supplier Code of conduct

At Marelli, we recognize that our Suppliers play a major role in helping us to achieve a sustainable supply chain, with responsible and ethical business practices.
As such, it is essential that we select Suppliers that are aligned with our own corporate values.
With this aim, we have created the Marelli Supplier Code of Conduct to clearly set out the social, human, economic and environmental sustainability standards that we expect from all Suppliers that conduct business with us.

Tax Strategy

Principles and guidelines defining the management of tax compliance and the mitigation of tax risk among different countries.

Funded project

Here you can find more details about our participation to international funded projects.

Responsible business in Japan

Policies, Ethics and Compliance

Responsible business (責任ある事業活動) in Japan